Mary Kay Ash (Founder of a global cosmetics company)
3M Corporation
Starting a sales conversation is easy and so is quoting someone. The challenge comes in when the deal needs to be closed, and it is sometimes only here that companies realise the weaknesses in their sales staff.
Our Neuro Sales workshop explores how the primitive brain functions and sheds insight into why some people so obviously lie about what they like and don’t like. This information will help sales people to understand why they’ve been failing at closing deals and it will empower them to change the way they sell from the onset.
What about selling the invisible? “60% of all companies,” says a Harvard Business School study, “relates to services.” Yes, even Nike and General Electric can fall in this category. Services tend to be intangible and loose cannons. Even investment advice. The senses which can be important, are absent in invisible sales. You can’t smell a good corporate attorney or tax consultant. If you need a pacemaker, your relationship with the medical specialist is more important to you. The more face you have on invisible services the more successful you will be. How to do that is the trick. The focus is on relationships. Factor this into your sales and you have a winner. NBI’s Neuroscience in sales, explains what governs the strategic steps of building a relationship and putting a face to a product or service.